Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Daemon

If I had a daemon it would definitely be an owl. First of all, I really like owls. I know that you're not supposed to be able to choose what kind of daemon you want but since we get to, I want an owl. To me, owls symbolize a quiet and unobtrusive movement about the world. Owls are also commonly thought of as creatures of intelligence; i'm not saying that I'm particularly intelligent, but if my owl was smart then that would be all the better for me. I consider myself to be sort of solitary, much like the owl. I absolutely love the nighttime, much like the nocturnal owl. Unlike other predatory creatures, Owls kind of seem to be calm and laid-back. They give off an air of killing only for the aspect of getting food. I also would want my daemon to be able to fly. That would be really nice for seeing and finding things.

Interesting Owl things I didn't know until I looked Owls up on the Web:

*A group of Owls is called a parliament.
*They are found on all regions of the earth except Antarctica, most of Greenland, and some small islands.
*In Hindu Mythology, the barn owl is considered to be vehicle of Goddess Lakshmi (Goddess of Wealth) and thus it is considered lucky if an owl resides near your house.
*In many parts of the world, owls have been associated with death and misfortune, likely due to their nocturnal activity and common screeching call.
*The reason that an Owl's flight is practically silent is due to there feathers which are serrated.

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