This may not exactly be a "dream" but it was spurred on by my mind when I was asleep so I figured that it would count.
We were sleeping in the bed and all of the sudden, I began to feel slightly roused by all of my girlfriends animals. They are all making nosies, meowing and whining, because it's 7 in the morning and they haven't eaten yet. Since all the animals were hungry I did the responsible thing... try and wake up my girlfriend to feed them. (note: i'm not REALLY awake, but in that weird half-awake half-asleep state). So I try and wake her up, "Jill. Your animals want breakfast." She just rolls over and doesn't do anything. I try again: "Jill, get up and feed your animals." Nothing. No response. She's still deep in sleep. So finally, I try and rouse her from sleep by saying, "Jill. You better get up and feed your animals. I've read Animal Farm. I know what will happen if you don't." I don't really remember if I said anything after that or not, but she had woken up by that time and told me of it when I woke up about an hour later.
I thought that this story was hilarious. Somewhere amidst all of my information that I've piled up, the sleep managed to draw a parallel between the animals at our bedside whining for breakfast and the story Animal Farm by George Orwell.
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