First off, I've really enjoyed this class. It has been a class where all the texts we read were wonderful, and left me wanting to read more. At times, I wish I would have done more research on my own and got a more wealth view of the tales and stories that we looked at. I guess, I shouldn't have to worry about missing any opportunities because these opportunities to learn are still available to me. It is sad however that I won't be coming to this class on monday, wednesday, and friday at 2:00 anymore.
I'm also going to miss the wide variety of people that were in the class. It is quite interesting to see how class material can be enhanced by the people that are in the class with you.
I felt that Dr. Sexson did a wonderful job teaching the course. Undoubtedly, he has a passion for the subject matter as well as an extensive range of knowledge surrounding not only children's lit. but English lit. in general. Some of the connections he established were great additions to the understanding and interpretation of the material. It was an overall good experience having him as a professor.
One of my favorite quotes from the semester was the T.S. Eliot quote from the end of his "Four Quartets". "We shall not cease from exploration/ And the end of all our exploring/ Will be to arrive where we started/ And know the place for the first time. It seems crazy that when I came into the class I was really doubting the "use" that children's literature could have. Now that I have returned to the wealth of child's stories however, I will hopefully always remember that these stories are told by all of us, heard by all of us, and lived by all of us.
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